Hi Guys today i installed on my Samsung Galaxy S Android ICS 4 (not official rom)
the player won't work... (start and exit)

but apps compiled works fine and very very smooth!

i'm happy

but now back to "old" 2.3.2 rom... an back to work on gidhelix :P
crash only with wifi enabled!

(work fine if i use 3g connection ) :-O
look here!
i like it!!!
I'm sorry to go back to 2.3 ...
hope will be soon compatible with 4.0 !;)
Long answer:
This bug is a result of Android's IPv6 support starting from 3.X. If you have a phone or tablet with an Android version >=3 and it has IPv6 support, then most likely the player (only the player, not the compiled apps) will crash. This is because of the ":" character not found in our font embedded in the player. Since it cannot find this char (which is required to show the IPv6 address), the player crashes.
I'm working on ...
hope to publish in this week... :P
Likes: GregBUG
thanks! chipster !
but my game will be free!
this week was a bad week for me and i not worked on GidHelix...
only now i'm working on game hope to finish today or tomorrow!..
I will keep you informed!
Likes: gorkem, chipster123