here is a little something to share from the update of the Mashballs.
Basically it is an example of how to handle achievements:
https://github.com/ar2rsawseen/AchievementsIt has an Achievements class, which can handle single action achievements and multiple action achievements (including actions by different types).
GameCenter for IOS is also integrated in that class.
It also has stackable Notifications class to notify about achievements
And couple of helpful things to display them as ScrollView and a code to create expandable lists.
Here is a quick example:

Now go and integrate achievements in your games
tnx in advance
Edited: Nevermind, I added it to the ScrollView and it works now, tnx, btw how do you delete a post here? I didnt found a delete option, thats why I edited it :S
tnx anyway
If you can't delete a post, the best thing to do is to edit, replace your text with [TO DELETE PLEASE] then add a funny gif.
You can always make someone smile with a gif. Until a moderator kills the fun and deletes your message.
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