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Scene Manager not using transitions — Gideros Forum

Scene Manager not using transitions

edited March 2013 in General questions
Hey guys,
So I recently started using Gideros and the Scene Manager looks sweet, and I have it working reasonably well. However when I change scene no transitions are displayed - the scene changes perfectly, just no actual effect.
Here's the code for changing scene:

sceneManager:changeScene("GameScene", 1, SceneManager.fade, easing.linear)

I've made sure to add scenemanager.lua and easing.lua in my project.
Thanks for any help
P.S. I'm really liking Gideros so far!


  • hgvyas123hgvyas123 Guru
    Accepted Answer
    yup it is the all you need to do to change the scene however some of the things like loading assets in other scene, any running timer or enterframe event can definitely affect the desired effect

    make sure there are no any timer or enterframe event affecting it and in the case you are loading much assets (images and sounds) try to load them at early stage

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  • ar2rsawseenar2rsawseen Maintainer
    @MichaelStrauss you can try increasing transition time, just to check if something happens or not, as in:
    sceneManager:changeScene("GameScene", 10, SceneManager.fade, easing.linear)
  • Thanks guys, I have now fixed my mistake:
    rather than using
    I had previously been using
    Now the transition works as intended.
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