Call me a gluten for punishment, but it appears to me that, with the Gideros play on the ipad, it would not be a difficult job to actually edit code on the tablet, I travel a lot, and would love to be able to execute my edited code with the player, is there a way I could do this?
For example a code writing app I use is textatic, it will synch with ftp when I save, if I could write or pass code to gideros player locally on the device, I could have a truly coding on the ipad experience, and achieve more on my daily train rides etc.
Is this possible? could it be added?
REAL programmers type copy con filename.exe
The big advantage though is no internet required.
#MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill
New iOS player - Dropbox, Load previously loaded projects without IDE by @Simpleloop.
Here are a few points where help is needed : I hope it gets some attention because it's promising.
I would be interested to understand how the run-time works, does it load and analyze the code and creates an internal action plan via an array of instructions? or reads the code and executes the line by line block, I think Corona probably works in this way too. and when the app is compiled by Xcode, it wraps the 2 together, the run-time engine which is effectively the Gideros player, with the source code as assets, with Titanium, I see that it effectively does the same, but weaves the code into the Xcode more tightly and makes after build and before compile changes possible, but tricky. though Titanium is aimed at IOS and not truly cross platform, mainly due to the different library names it uses for apple and Android libraries.
I wonder if there is any movement towards making it at the very least Pcode, like Java, so it has native internal structures and doesn't need to be interpreted at run-time? If this was the case, you could effectively speed up the run, and reduce the player size, seeing it would be minus the interpreter.
This is not a complaint or question, its just for discussion, and seeing what the current situation is, especially when compared to other implementations.
There's also LuaJit which apparently gives even better improvements but were still waiting to see if that gets implemented in the future.
If speed is an issue - have a look at the work @GregBug's done on his TNT Collision plugin - which uses C++ across all platforms to do the "heavy lifting" required by the collision function - Ideally this is the way all "heavy lifting" should be done, saving the Lua for the game logic.
Likes: ar2rsawseen, GregBUG
#MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill
Likes: phongtt, hgvyas123, techdojo
Cose I am doing both
#MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill
I insist that I see a lot of potential in this project :
New iOS player - Dropbox, Load previously loaded projects without IDE by @Simpleloop.
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( )
Cool Vizify Profile at
The news are that I lost a considerable amount of money, time and motivation due to some bad choices on my part. So in short I killed the game and other projects. We'll see in a few weeks/months.
I'm actually better at helping companies make money than handling projects to which I'm too emotionally attached to.
I'm now focusing on recovering the losses only and hopefully a few choices I made recently will pay off.
Else, xyz.
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( )
Cool Vizify Profile at