sorry guys, i feel stupid i can't figure how to simply detect if the player touch the screen with two fingers!!
i assigned to the STAGE event listner the event Event.TOUCHES_BEGIN and it fires up when the player touch the screen
but how to detect two fingers?
I think the easiest way is the control the length of event.allTouches array. If it is 2, then exactly 2 fingers is touching the screen.
btw yes i checked the example Touch Explorer...
i also checked the api documentation but no info on the array event.allTouches or event.touches
wow! my first gideros game is almost finished!
thanks atilim!
Yes, the reference manual doesn't contain information about events. But you can refer here:
for you help
but i think that gideros need a bit more "in deep" docs because without your help i never figured the existence of event.allTouches
ciao ciao
but you never sleep? :-O
good night! I-)