Those of you who have seen my previous posts know that I can bash out Lua code like there's no tomorrow but I'm struggling with the art/design aspect of the app that I'm currently working on. For this reason, I'm looking to buy in some art to get things moving again but (of course) don't really want to use stock art from sites like
So for this current project I need 5 characters drawn in a "new retro cartoon style". The style is exemplified by this drawing of "The Incredibles" (although I'm looking for it to be slightly more flat-shaded).'m willing to PAY a reasonable amount for each drawing. Ideally, I'd like one or two of the drawings to be completed within a week although I understand this is rather tight. Drawings can be either scanned PNG or vector format.
So, if anyone here is interested or, if you know of someone else who might be, please fire me an e-mail or PM.
In the longer term, I'd be interested in forming a relationship with one or two artists and graphic designers so that we can work on projects together. A sort of "mini-studio" if you like. Again, send me an e-mail if interested.
best regards
»Gideros Illustrator« - [svg|xml] scene designer using Adobe Illustrator®™ Within one line of code!