Yes, I am new in gideros... so far i created app using flash cs6 (adobe air converter for android). Everything was ok, except for garbage collector. When I render one scene, it works, but in the next, it makes any sense. I was impressed with gideros scene manager. it works very cool, but i have another problem.. i dream about load 30 s of animation (1280x800). With png/jpg sequence, the animation loads very, very... long. Is something like video view ? something loader h.264 or flv format? I can't find it.. This was my beginning with adobe air (flash cs6 converter), i am trying to implement sometnig like this

with gideros, Do you have any idea ? Please help... I know that it can be stupid but I am only a student
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( )
Cool Vizify Profile at
erasing is not a problem - I done it (no mask ;p)- drag nad drop shape drawing a white line. But What about animation ? I export them from afer effects to png sequence or jpg sequence. Result - a lot of big files and loading very slow..., could you know better solution?
Dislikes: anneMurielle
For animation, the best way would be to use textureRegions and place all of the graphics in a single texture, that could help you with some optimisation and speed. Where each page can have the textures you need. Since each page can be loaded separately, you can manage that quite well.
Have you seen the sample ebook project, the bear story that has animation and physics, etc (i am missing the name of the wonderful project sample from the top of my head)
Androids can be slower in comparison to the iOS, but then if managed properly...
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( )
Cool Vizify Profile at