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How to tune gideros project template to publish on iStore market — Gideros Forum

How to tune gideros project template to publish on iStore market

MysiaGamesMysiaGames Member
edited January 2013 in General questions

After tunning with success my android game, i have the same questions about the template project on x-code. Actually i do the next adjustments:

- Add on TARGET-SUMMARY the 4 app icons 57x57, 114x114, 72x72, 144x144. Those icons should be square, the system automatically put the rounded borders, the gloss and the shadow. Set the orientation of your app.
- On TARGET-SUMMARY set the Bundle identifier as "com.yourdomain.yourgamename"
- Change with a readable game name on TARGET-INFO-Bundle Display Name

Is there any observation or additional step to do?


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