Hi guys,
I tried to create a bow and arrow with box2D using linear impulse function, everything is ok now but the movement of arrow after release is a little bit unnatural: the arrow has the same angle in lightweight shoot. In this case, I want to have a small rotation and arrow head must have a trend to point to ground.
To solve this, I intend to made 2 physics object, arrow head and arrow body join together in which arrow head will be more heavy. But since my box2d knowledge is nearly zero I still can't accomplish this. The movement of arrow after release is not as my expectation.
Please help me and sorry for my bad english

Thank you so much
Likes: thanhquan1512
p/s: for those who don't know, just add this when update the arrow movement:
var flyingAngle:Number=Math.atan2(body.GetLinearVelocity().y,body.GetLinearVelocity().x);
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