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Anyone recollect RoboCode? — Gideros Forum

Anyone recollect RoboCode?

OZAppsOZApps Guru
edited November 2012 in General questions
This was a very popular modular code written in Java (by IBM) that was used to create your own bots and have them pit against each other and see which one won. It has I believe been ported to .net

This is the perfect example for Lua, anyone wanting to port it and maybe even put it up on the app store?

more details : http://robocode.sourceforge.net/
twitter: @ozapps | http://www.oz-apps.com | http://howto.oz-apps.com | http://reviewme.oz-apps.com
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps


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