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HELP .apk problem — Gideros Forum

HELP .apk problem

vedranvedran Member
edited October 2012 in General questions
Hello, this is my first post ever on this forum :)

I am new to Gideros and for learning purposes I've tried to make a small test game. On the Gideros Player everything worked fine (never mind some bugs) but when I deployed the .apk file to the device (HTC Sensation) the application crashed, I suppose.
It only shows the "made with Gideros Studio" splash screen and then the screen goes blank and the application closes. Searching on this forum for help I've understood that such behavior can be caused by wrong case of graphics file names as Android is case sensitive but I still can't figure the problem as these names seem ok.
Can anybody please give a look? :)

Thank you and greetings from Croatia :)


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