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Generating Static Library *.a for iOS how ? — Gideros Forum

Generating Static Library *.a for iOS how ?

GregBUGGregBUG Guru
edited October 2012 in General questions
sorry guys i need some help!!!

i succesfully compiled my plugin library

in windows -> tntcollision.dll and it works with desktop player
in osx -> tntcollision.dynlib and it works with desktop player
in android -> tntcollision.so and it works with device player and compiled app.

for ios (iphone, ipad) how can i generate this static lib ? (tntcollision.a)
is there a make file ?

i can compile fine if i add my source to gideros iosPlayer so i can test on device, but i don't want to distribuite sources so i want to generate a static lib file (*.a) file but how ?

sorry but i'm not sure how to use xcode to generate *.a files

ps: my lib is *.cpp not a *.m file.

some help ? :P 8->
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