Hi, I'm having this small issue.
When changing from one scene to another, if the slider is bigger than one screen, then it shows it's content over the other scene before the transition ends. I'm not sure if i'm explaining myself correctly here's a little video:

What I'm trying to do it's like a css overflow:hidden. I want the objects to stay within the limits of the sprite.
I've set a size to the sprite, but I'm not sure if it is static or it changes when I add more objects (wich is the most probable case).
Any Ideas?
Thanks in advance!
Oscar Obeso.
I would say, that you are probably adding slider on scene:init. But what you could do is try to listen to SceneManager events and add slider on transition "enterEnd" event.
So basically:
Something like that could be done using Shape and fill it with texture, but not the Sprite objects.
But I don't think you have to worry about that so much, it took me couple of times (~5) to closely watch your video and finally spot the thing you were talking about
Likes: Ozkar619
Oh and my exact reaction: me:
Likes: Ozkar619