Hi all!
I need some help with the PickerWheel. I need to use the PickerWheel to select dates. Then I need that date that the User selected and display it on screen in a Text Box or have it pop on screen somewhere.
I want it to look like this:
http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_9LImYXaclVw/TPfnQq5sPwI/AAAAAAAAABQ/hWaBkWX6Tew/s1600/StartAndEnd.PNG(click on link to see image

So my question is,
How do I get the date from the PickerWheel to appear on screen like shown in the image posted above?
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
I want to know how to show the date out on the screen, not in the console. Also, how would you remove the datePicker from view when using sceneManager?
Lead Coder and Designer
instead of using print() to display in the console, use that value where ever you want on the screen
Removing any iOS UIKit item is generally done by removing the view from the superview.
If you seriously want to use the UIKit components, I would recommend that you have a read on iOS development, the concepts will help you go a long way. Apple has free documentation and you can also see some of the older WWDC videos which may have information on this.
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps