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Gideros Studio - change background color of editor or hook to a default editor etc? — Gideros Forum

Gideros Studio - change background color of editor or hook to a default editor etc?

nicholasclaygnicholasclayg Member
edited August 2012 in General questions
Hi everyone, I've searched around can't find this so here we go.

Is there a way to change the background color of the editor in Gideros Studio? I like to work with a black background and colored text (easier on my eyes!), I found no such options. Also, is there a way to point the studio to a "default" editor? When I was/am using corona I was using "Corona Project Manager" and "Cider" which had tools to point in preferences to a default editor like bbedit, sublime whatever I pointed to.

Just wondering, I'm getting by just fine but after a while all that white background makes my eyes go insane and I start seeing fluffy pigs in the background and purple cows singing, etc. Hate when that happens.



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