Hi, i have a box2d object that i need to resize. I'm able to resize sprite, using setScale, but can't scale the underlying box2d object accordingly... how can i do it without having to recreate box2d object? Thanks!
A blast from the past, but I finally also need to do this.
I use hard coded coordinates in a text file (exported by R.U.B.E) to create a Box2D Body. I'd like to add a scale parameter, so the body loaded retains its shape but is created at a percentage of its original size.
@totebo: modify Gideros R.U.B.E. loader to support scaling? Or what do you mean by "hardcoded coordinates"? If you can modify loader then just multiply each point by the factor you need to implement scaling.
I use hard coded coordinates in a text file (exported by R.U.B.E) to create a Box2D Body. I'd like to add a scale parameter, so the body loaded retains its shape but is created at a percentage of its original size.
What approach would you take to achieve this?