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Google Play error: Implicit PendingIntent Your app contains an Implicit PendingIntent vulnerability — Gideros Forum

Google Play error: Implicit PendingIntent Your app contains an Implicit PendingIntent vulnerability

I've just submitted an update to one of my games to Google Play, and they've flagged it with an error about an implicit PendingIntent. They provided this link for more information: https://support.google.com/faqs/answer/10437428

They say fixing this is not mandatory, but recommended.

I haven't seen this before, and I'm using the same Gideros version I used for the last release of this game (version 2021.11) so evidently this is something Google has recently started detecting and reporting. I see many cases where PendingIntents are created in IAB, etc, but I haven't looked into it enough to know which are implicit. I also haven't checked to see if this is an issue with newer builds.

Any thoughts?


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