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Credential leak warning — Gideros Forum

Credential leak warning

Hi Giderians,
I have been warned that giderosmobile.com is reported in a database of leaked credentials, meaning that your email address and maybe more have been exposed to hackers. More info about this database here: https://www.troyhunt.com/inside-the-cit0day-breach-collection/

Fortunately, the password itself wasn't leaked, only its hash, according to the database, and as far as I can see, it affects the main site login only (not the forum). You may want to change your password now, just in case, or remove/replace any sensitive data. Actually I don't even know when the leak happened nor what was leaked exactly.

As a last remark, and since that old site is largely unmaintained, it would be better to shut it down entirely. If we had seomthing else to replace it...
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