I am rewriting my code to implement scenemanager. Being just a hobby programmer, I ran in various expected scope problems. But this one really surprised me.
So my main.lua for now is
--define scenes
sceneManager = SceneManager.new({
--start scene
["start"] = start,
["level1"] = level1,
["gameover"] = GameOver
--add manager to stage
sceneManager:changeScene("level1") |
My level1.lua starts with this line:
level1 = gideros.class(Sprite) |
Somewhere, I have a
function level1:moveRedMotherShip(dt) |
And its moveBlueMotherShip(dt) equivalent.
Finally, here is my onEnterFrame function:
function level1:onEnterFrame(e)
local dt = e.deltaTime
local numSprite = stage:getNumChildren()
level1:moveRedMotherShip(dt) -- move red ship
end |
Everything works here. What does not work is when I change
local numSprite = stage:getNumChildren() |
local numSprite = level1:getNumChildren() |
It spits "index '__userdata' cannot be found"
level1:moveBlueMotherShip(dt) |
Why the latter works and not level1:getNumSprite() ? I thought that "level1" being a sprite could call any sprite method. Please enlight me. There is something here I need to understand.
Likes: hgy29
You can read about "self" here: http://www.lua.org/pil/16.html
Also "level1:getNumSprite()" can be used as "level1.getNumSprite(self)"
Likes: MoKaLux
I believe the main issue was I forgot to add
require ("scenemanager")
in main.lua.
Silly stuff! I also use now as advised
Core.class instead of gideros.class
Everything works now
Thank you again.
Likes: MoKaLux