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Integrating AppLovin Reward Video — Gideros Forum

Integrating AppLovin Reward Video

hotbutteredhotbuttered Member
edited October 2018 in Bugs and issues
I was able to get AdMob reward video working in my game (using the test account) but after reading some of the discussion on GDPR I decided to try to use AppLovin instead, because they seem to offer a setting that helps comply with GDPR by showing EU users non-targeted ads (http://forum.giderosmobile.com/discussion/comment/57472/#Comment_57472)

I'm trying this on Android first. Are the docs at http://docs.giderosmobile.com/interface/ads up to date?

Edit: It looks like the steps on the "installation Android" tab of http://docs.giderosmobile.com/interface/ads are obsolete. Instead, after adding the ads plugin to Gideros Studio, right click on it and select the framework you want to enable and enter your key. This is a really nice improvement!

After doing this for AppLovin, I'm able to play a video in my game using applovin:showAd("interstitial") (as shown on the "Methods" tab of the docs page).

However my guess at how to play reward video (showAd("reward")) doesn't work. I found this old discussion about using Intersitial video as "reward" video for AppLovin: http://forum.giderosmobile.com/discussion/comment/44980/#Comment_44980

Is this still the recommended technique? Thanks!


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