I know this is too common question, but after google and search in forum threads, I still can not understand clearly what is render target use for? And how it resolved your "problem" ? How to use it to boost our game performance?
I am waiting explain from you here

, thank you so much!
It has to some degree been replaced by setClip(), which now lets you crop a sprite. This was my main use for RenderTarget before setClip() was added.
Likes: vitalitymobile
Another use I do of it is a basic lighting/fog of war (http://giderosmobile.com/forum/discussion/5879/basic-view-range-lighting-effect/p1)
I'm planning to use it to create texturepacks on the run, and to save screenshots too, but I have not investigated those uses yet
Likes: vitalitymobile
Som examples I wrote also use it for multiple pass rendering (ex: bloom shader).
Lately I've been using it for capturing live video from camera device (snap shot) and saving that for later upload to a server.
Likes: vitalitymobile
RenderTarget would be way more powerful if you could use it as a real texture, which can use wrap. Wrap is such a powerful part of textures I think.
Likes: vitalitymobile
You can see the result here:
The actual sprites are path2D objects.
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