Firstly I'm very excited to be part of the community here.
And secondly sorry if the title isn't descriptive enough. I need help with something and I'll try my best to explain what I'm trying to do.
So basically I have a distance joint fixed to the centre of the stage and a circular dynamic body (image attached)
I have inputs to change the frequency of it to make it spring around the stage.
What I want to do is have a chain of bodies of the same radius from one anchor point to the other in order to make it seem like a continuous elastic like rope. What I don't want is any of that chain to effect the velocity of the body attached to the distance joint. Just to follow after the body attached to the distance joint.
I found the "Elastic rope test 1" video by ar2rsawseen to be some help. Basically if I could find a way to make the main body attached to the distance joint act like it was being dragged around with the mouse in this video at all times I'd be set.
I'm really sorry if this hasn't made enough sense. I'm not having a good day.
PLEASE ask me for anything to help clarify what I'm trying to do.
Thanks in advance everyone.
you mean this article?
So as I understood the main problem is that chains collide with ball and thus prevents them from moving like it moves on you distance joint, right?
If yes, then collision filter might be an answer for you (unfortunately I don't know how collision filtering behaves when different collision filtered bodies are attached by single joint, but I guess you will have to find out
Thanks again for your help.
What if you dont attach it to the ball then, but simply update last chain position to balls position, or something like that?
I'll give it a try in a day and tell you how it goes.