Hi all,
I'm a big newbie, going through the Mashballs tutorial in the Gideros Mobile Game Development book.
In the start scene, there are 3 addEventListeners, but only the last one in the code works, the other 2 doesn't seem to "listen", I get no error on them either. If I move one of the two not-working addEventListeners to be the last, that one begins to work, and the other two before it doesn't. Hope you get what I mean...
Hope anyone can explain how to get several evenlisteners working in the same scene...

(sorry for some swedish in the code, just ignore them)
Cheers, thomas
StartScene = Core.class(Sprite)
function StartScene:init()
print("\ninside start scene")
--lägg till bakgrundsbilden
local bg = Bitmap.new(Texture.new("images/bg.jpg", true))
bg:setPosition(conf.width/2, conf.height/2)
--lägg till logotypen
local logo = Bitmap.new(Texture.new("images/logo.png", true))
logo:setPosition(conf.width/2, conf.height/2 - 50)
--lägg till textknapp "starta spelet", lyssna efter onMouseUp
local startText = TextField.new(conf.fontLarge, "Starta spelet")
local startButton = Button.new(startText)
startButton:setPosition((conf.width - startButton:getWidth())/2, conf.height - 80)
startButton:addEventListener("click", function()
sceneManager:changeScene("level", conf.transitionTime, conf.transition, conf.easing)
--lägg till textknapp "inställningar", lyssna efter onMouseUp
local optionsText = TextField.new(conf.fontMedium, "Inställningar")
local optionsButton = Button.new(optionsText)
optionsButton:setPosition(30, conf.height - 30)
optionsButton:addEventListener("click", function()
sceneManager:changeScene("options", conf.transitionTime, conf.transition, conf.easing)
--lägg till textknapp "om spelet", lyssna efter onMouseUp
local aboutText = TextField.new(conf.fontMedium, "Om spelet")
local aboutButton = Button.new(aboutText)
aboutButton:setPosition(conf.width - aboutButton:getWidth() - 30, conf.height - 30)
aboutButton:addEventListener("click", function()
sceneManager:changeScene("about", conf.transitionTime, conf.transition, conf.easing)
did you notice that there's an "end" missing to close your init?
However to lua-format a post use tags:
< pre lang = " lua " >
your lua code
</ pre >
without spaces. it's a lot easier to read.
I made a little copy/paste of your init function in a empty game template, had to change
some things in references but your code is ok to me - just the init() end missing
I've gone through dependencies (don't think what's causing it) and references but can't find anything wrong (although I bet I'm missing something). What puzzles me is that, again, it's always the *last* addEventListener in the code that's leading to a expected behavior, it's like the two before weren't there. No matter how I rearrange them. I'm having a hard time understanding that something else in my project could be causing this.
The code one more time, readable: ;;)
Try comparing your project with my previous upload, the basics of scene manager and event listeners should be almost the same.
As an alternative you can zip and upload your project I will take a look to it (no warranties aout success though
Thanks anyway for your quick replies! =D>