Get Flurry SDK files:
1. After creating a Flurry account, Add a new application.
2. Download Flurry SDK and retain a copy of the ‘unique application key’.
Add Flurry SDK files to Xcode project location:
1. Open downloaded zip file from Flurry and pull out the folder ‘Flurry’. Trash the rest.
2. Place the Flurry folder in this location of exported Gideros iOS project: [ app name folder ]/[ app name folder ]/Plugins
Add Gideros Flurry plugin to Xcode project location:
1. Goto: /Applications/Gideros Studio/All Plugins/Flurry/source/iOS
2. Copy all files to the same ‘Plugins’ folder stated above.
Xcode Part 1:
Assuming your Xcode project compiles & runs OK prior to Flurry addition.
1. Open Xcode project. With your build target selected, goto Build Settings > Search Paths.
NOTE: We need to record these settings so we can revert back after adding new files to project. Not doing so will most likely give you a linker error.
2. Double-click ‘Library Search Paths’ and snap a screenshot
Xcode Part 2:
1. Open Xcode project.
2. In navigation pane, goto: [App Name]/Plugins
3. Right-click on Plugins and select ‘Add Files…’
4. Navigate to the Plugins folder where you added the files and select:
- Flurry (folder)
- flurrybinder.cpp
- gflurry-ios.m
- gflurry.h
Have ‘Create groups for any added folders’ selected
Xcode Part 3:
NOTE: Flurry 4.4.0 requires additional libraries be added to your project.
1. With your build target selected, goto Build Phases > Link Binary With Libraries.
2. Scroll to bottom.
3. Add the following libraries using the ‘+’ but at the bottom left:
- SystemConfiguration.framework
- Security.framework
Xcode Part 4:
1. Go back to Build Settings and revert ‘Library Search Paths’ back to original settings.
2. After reverting back to original settings, for the path that ends in ‘Plugins’: Set to ‘recursive’
Xcode Part 5:
1. Clean project, build & run.
If no errors, import of Flurry should be complete.