I'm just putting the finishing touches to my game (finally!!) and I'm currently in the process of implementing an "e-mail support" button inside the app. However, I wonder whether this is a good idea or not.
I guess I'm an old-school type of guy but I would probably feel honour bound to answer any e-mails that came through and there's a chance they could run into the thousands. Let's say, one had a really successful game with 1M downloads and just 1% of people decide to leave feedback or ask "how do I solve this level?" - that would be 10,000 emails to get through. I suppose one could always not respond to the non-technical ones but that might result in reduced user satisfaction.
So is there any reason to make writing an e-mail that simple? An address in the credits screen might be sufficient?
I'd be grateful for any advice/comments, especially from developers who have real apps out in the field (I notice that
@phongtt 's Game42 and
@krisis 's Letter Stack are both IOS apps with e-mail buttons in the UI)?
best regards
So far I've received more than 3.500 emails among almost 500.000 downloads.
Out of those emails, only a few hundreds actually had contents (thank-you, praise, asking for more mini games, bug reports, suggestion for improvements, feature requests, saying that Caro is too hard even on Easy setting,... and even willing to help for free with localizations to some languages)
For some very first blank mails I replied back asking if I could help anything, later I realized that they most probably came from kids so I haven't responsed any more
For the other case, it's been really my pleasure exchanging emails with customers, it helps me understand them more, and also helps show my attention for my customers.
The reason we decided to add that feature is simple: provide users with as less steps, as much comfortable way, and as much visible as possible to reach us. It would be more persuable than providing them just email information somewhere (most likely that no one bothers to write you an email)
As we're small (or "indies") and poor :P I act as a technical support representative as well as customer support representative. But so far it's been a pleasured experience. Anyway, it's just my very limited experience with only this game.
Btw, can't wait to see your game!
Likes: fxone, gorkem
But still I think that it was a good idea, because if receiving even only praises, there are sometimes such good ones, that I forward to the rest of the team, to keep up the spirit and motivation
There were not lots of questions or suggestions, only couple of them.
But actually in new version, we implemented sending and email to us as achievement
One suggestion though, create a separate email account for that
You could then keep a separate mailing list and ask them more detailed questions about their experience with the game.
They are also the ones who are most likely to :
I'm not talking about my own apps but the companies I have helped with their marketing strategies. The mailing list can be your business's best asset.
It's a lot of work, but a good strategy for the long term.
Blank emails > "Scan later"
To prevent yourself from losing too much time with blank emails like @phongtt and @ar2rsawseen mentioned, add a dropdown list (ex :Do you want to tell us | something (default) | you need some help | how much you love the game | what we should do to improve it |
Filter all emails that were sent using (default), add to a "Scan Later" folder.
Focus on the others.
email in one week
"Your email is important to us, you will be contacted shortly.. you are ticket number 98,987, estimated call back time 1st April 2025., have a nice day".
Likes: fxone, vitalitymobile
Bubble Adventure - Colors
13 Critically Important Lessons from Over 50 Growth Hackers If you are not talking to your customers directly, email is second. Social networks are last.
Read more : 13 Critically Important Lessons from Over 50 Growth Hackers
@phongtt, thanks for the info about Game42. Interestingly, it seem my guestimate about the ratio of respondents to downloads wasn't that far off the mark. Of course, I'd be happy to ignore any blank e-mails so, overall, it encourages me to add the e-mail button, at least in this first version.
best regards
But it's motivating and interesting huh?