resurecting once more after reading realcode vs keycode it is still unclear to me In my case (like everybody case I think), I would like to assign some keys so they work on whatever keyboards around the globe!
The WASD combination works for english/us keyboards pretty well but in french keyboard the same combination would mean the letters ZQSD.
So my question is how can I do it in Gideros? - using keycode would target the actual letter so I would have to map several letters to the same action (eg. W for up on en/us keyboard, Z for up on french keyboard, ...) which can be cumbersome - would using the realcode do it? I mean does realcode target the actual key on the keyboard not the letter written on that key? (I don't think so)
I could ask the players to configure the keys but there are quite a few of them (+/- 40!) and that would be me coding a parameter scene + the ui + ...
So am I lost or is targeting the physical key not the letter possible? (been googling with no luck)
PS2: when I have the courage I will create a Gideros reddit maybe that will bring more visibility and I could post some updates/news/gideros shorts/...
after reading realcode vs keycode it is still unclear to me
In my case (like everybody case I think), I would like to assign some keys so they work on whatever keyboards around the globe!
The WASD combination works for english/us keyboards pretty well but in french keyboard the same combination would mean the letters ZQSD.
So my question is how can I do it in Gideros?
- using keycode would target the actual letter so I would have to map several letters to the same action (eg. W for up on en/us keyboard, Z for up on french keyboard, ...) which can be cumbersome
- would using the realcode do it? I mean does realcode target the actual key on the keyboard not the letter written on that key? (I don't think so)
I could ask the players to configure the keys but there are quite a few of them (+/- 40!) and that would be me coding a parameter scene + the ui + ...
So am I lost or is targeting the physical key not the letter possible? (been googling with no luck)
Hope I made sense
PS: I will ask on reddit as well
From reddit it seems the scancodes do exactly that
PS2: when I have the courage I will create a Gideros reddit maybe that will bring more visibility and I could post some updates/news/gideros shorts/...
PS3: scancode from MS c++ doc for reference
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