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Running GiderosPlayer from batch file



  • @hgy29 thanks. Even though it could be improved, the current JSON output is usable. All it really needs is to include the return values and it's good to go.
  • hgy29hgy29 Maintainer
    I have fixed the link I sent you earlier in PM, and made a daily extracted version of the json file available here: https://wiki.gideros.rocks/gidapiref.json
  • @hgy29 awesome, it works very well now :)

    Except that some things are missing args, like Bitmap.new(texture)..
              "Bitmap": {
                "object": "Bitmap",
                "name": "Bitmap.new",
                "args": "(texture)",
                "function": {
                  "args": [],
                  "returns": [],
                  "description": "Creates a new [[Special:MyLanguage/Bitmap|Bitmap]] object.<source lang=\"lua\">Bitmap.new(texture)</source>"
                "short_description": "creates a new Bitmap object"
    For now it's usable so all good. Maybe you could find the missing args sometime ;)

  • The following pages currently have bad formatting in either their parameter or result sections:

    Some method pages also have multiple parameter sections because those method can be overloaded. There are also several different ways people have decided to express overloading.

    Bad formatting, multiple sections, and inconsistent syntax all cause the API reference script that @hgy29 made output broken data.

    As such, it is pretty nigh impossible for anyone to programmatically do anything of any worth with the output data.

    For bad formatting there is really no solution other than change the system used for editing the documentation so that all edits can be validated before they are committed to the database.

    Documenting overloaded methods could be done by having multiple documents, one for each overload. In theory it would be good to have those method urls include the parameters as to not confuse the reader. Ideally I'd prefer all API method urls to contain the parameters as well.

    I'll commit to fixing the following wiki pages...

    Oh, does anyone else have any ideas on how to improve the wiki?
  • I want to remove all the language and translate stuff because it is useless imho. English should be the only language: https://github.com/gideros/gideros/pull/484

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    my growING GIDEROS github repositories: https://github.com/mokalux?tab=repositories
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  • Hrmmm, I can't even manage to create a new page on the Wiki :(
  • how can I help antix?
    my growING GIDEROS github repositories: https://github.com/mokalux?tab=repositories
  • Can you tell me how I make a new page? :)

    I suppose I need a new page for each overload.
  • hgy29hgy29 Maintainer
    To make a new page, you just need to put a link to it somewhere. For a method, add the link to the corresponding page. Once the link is added, you'll be able to click on it to create the page.

    About making one overload per page, it can be problematic, since the page name is expected to be the name of the function. I think it would be better to have multiple forms of the same function on the same page (my tool doesn't handle it now, but I will modify it to accept such scenario).

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  • antixantix Member
    edited December 2020
    @hgy29, of course it would be problematic heheh :)

    Okay if you look at https://wiki.gideros.rocks/index.php/Special:MyLanguage/Pixel.new then that's an example of a page that has multiple description, and parameter sections. That would be a good test one to get your script working.

    Currently the script returns a "function" object containing the args, returns, and description. Would the script instead have an array of those instead, and move "description" out of there?

    The args from the main object would be pretty much redundant in that case also.

    So the output for Bitmap.new might look a bit like..
      "Bitmap": {
        "name": "Bitmap.new",
        "functions": [
            "args": [
                "name": "texture",
                "type": "Texture",
                "description": "A Texture object.<br/>"
            "returns": [],
            "args": [
                "name": "textureBase",
                "type": "TextureBase",
                "description": "A TextureBase object.<br/>"
            "returns": [],
        "description": "Creates a new [[Special:MyLanguage/Bitmap|Bitmap]] object.<source lang=\"lua\">Bitmap.new(texture)</source>"
        "short_description": "creates a new Bitmap object"
    Oh, and would it be possible for the "arg" objects to have an "optional" boolean? It's not required but would be kind of nice ;)
  • I hate those:
    [[Special:MyLanguage/Bitmap|Bitmap]] >:)
    That should be the norm:
    [[Bitmap]] :)
    my growING GIDEROS github repositories: https://github.com/mokalux?tab=repositories
  • hgy29hgy29 Maintainer
    Yes, if nobody cares that much about translations, let’s remove them for now. @SinisterSoft do you agree?

    Likes: keszegh, MoKaLux, antix

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  • antix said:

    The following pages currently have bad formatting in either their parameter or result sections:

    number = Noise:noise
    returns: noise value
    args: x, y, z (all optional)
    description: generates a noise value based on 3 values (optional args are 0 by default)

    returns: noise value
    description: generates a noise value based on 2 values
    args: x, y

    returns: noise value
    description: generates a noise value based on 3 values
    args: x, y, z

    returns: -
    description: sets a height color map table to generate a texture
    args: table

    returns: texture
    description: generate a texture
    args: -

    returns: texture
    description: generate a repeatable texture
    args: -

    returns: get 4D simplex noise
    description: generates a noise value based on 4 values
    args: x, y, z, w

    returns: get 3D white noise (args must be 3 ints)
    description: generates a white noise value based on 3 values
    args: x, y, z

    returns: get 4D white noise (args must be 4 ints)
    description: generates a white noise value based on 4 values
    args: x, y, z, w

    Idk for these ones, sorry :/

    returns: number, number
    args: -

    returns: number, number, number
    args: -

    returns: number, number
    args: -

    returns: number, number, number
    args: -

    Likes: MoKaLux, antix

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  • hgy29hgy29 Maintainer
    @antix, I began rewriting my php script in Java, it will be easier to maintain and more powerful. It is already faster.

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  • @rrraptor Thanks for those man :)

    I've also discovered a heap of methods (particularly in the b2 nameSpace) with no descriptions.
  • @hgy29 awesomeness ;)

    Would it be possible for the new Java script to also export the other stuff like examples and fields such as "inherits from", "platforms", etc?

    I think that over the remainder of my school break I'd like to attempt to create my own Gideros API editor. I've created a MySQL database, and SQL script to create all of the tables, and am now beginning to use the output from your previous script to generate SQL queries to populate the database.
  • hgy29hgy29 Maintainer
    @antix, yes it should be doable, I'll have a look at it.
    Meanwhile I improved my script already, it now handles multiple functions per page (in case they have several forms), better overall parsing, reports optional args and also reports some errors.

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  • @hgy29 Yes, removing the translations is ok with me.

    Likes: MoKaLux

    Coder, video game industry veteran (since the '80s, ❤'s assembler), arrested - never convicted hacker (in the '90s), dad of five, he/him (if that even matters!).
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  • hgy29hgy29 Maintainer
    I added 'Since', 'Platforms' and 'Inherits' to my doc scraper.
    About translation, I don't think I can remove them automatically, so I'd say let's not bother anymore with them and write doc without special tags for translation from now on.
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  • @hgy29 awesome stuff man. I'll now update my own scripts accordingly :)
  • antixantix Member
    edited December 2020
    I'm beginning to test what I have and even though it's pretty rough, I'd like to publish it as a VSCode extension soon.

    Whilst creating documents I notice that giderosmobile.com does not support HTTPS and can not be added as a hyperlink in the documentation. Might the website be made HTTPS friendly with any relative ease?

    Given the state of the gideros website maybe it's better that no linking is possible :(

    Likes: keszegh

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  • antixantix Member
    edited December 2020
    I'm making some small amount of progress with my Gideros Visual Studio integration and have discovered a few annoying things regarding the wiki...

    1. Some function parameters have spaces in them. This is very bad, please don't do this anymore :) I've fixed all of those.

    2. Some parameters are Lua reserved words. This is also very bad, please don't do that anymore either :) Also fixed all of those.

    3. Functions in the main API pages are not in any order so it's really hard to find anything quickly. If you are adding more functions, please insert them at the correct position (in A to Z order), please don't just mash them on at the end of the list thanks :)

    4. Some functions have extraneous parameters which are not actually parameters, but instead they are descriptions of how a particular parameter should be structured. This is so bad, please don't do that anymore. If any structure that is passed as a parameter needs explaining.. please explain it in the example code. see "Noise:setColorLookup" which I've cleaned up ;)

    In general I'm finding the wiki tedious with it's poor navigation and especially it's total lack of any barrier to making bad edits to anything. @MoKaLux you're a true hero. I don't know how you can use that thing and not feel suicidal :D

    Likes: keszegh

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  • MoKaLuxMoKaLux Member
    edited December 2020
    antix said:

    I'm making some small amount of progress with my Gideros Visual Studio integration and have discovered a few annoying things regarding the wiki...

    1. Some function parameters have spaces in them. This is very bad, please don't do this anymore :) I've fixed all of those.

    Ok, I'll fixed them when I come across them.
    antix said:

    3. Functions in the main API pages are not in any order so it's really hard to find anything quickly. If you are adding more functions, please insert them at the correct position (in A to Z order), please don't just mash them on at the end of the list thanks :)

    When you look closely you will find that they are indeed ordered:
    - first we list the class with a dot (I don't know what they are called) in alphabetical order
    - then we list the functions with columns (:) in alphabetical order
    antix said:

    In general I'm finding the wiki tedious with it's poor navigation and especially it's total lack of any barrier to making bad edits to anything. @MoKaLux you're a true hero. I don't know how you can use that thing and not feel suicidal :D

    In fact I like gideros wiki :smile: navigation is easy. Bad edits are there to be fixed :)
    There are still a lot of things missing from the wiki (new plugins not added, remove all translation tags stuff, adding more examples, fixing typos, ...). I like doing it because that's how I learnt gideros.
    I will hopefully follow your recommendations for the wiki.
    Thank you antix for your work on VS code :smile: .

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    my growING GIDEROS github repositories: https://github.com/mokalux?tab=repositories
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  • @MoKaLux maybe most but Noise (https://wiki.gideros.rocks/index.php/Noise) for example is not ordered very well :D

    All bad parameters have been fixed :)

    Can't agree on the wiki being good though mate ;)

    Likes: MoKaLux

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  • I've also discovered that some return value descriptions begin with numbers. EmmyLua doesn't like these and they really aren't needed.

    I've already fixed the offending wiki entries.

    Likes: MoKaLux

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  • antixantix Member
    edited January 2021
    @hgy29 I've only noticed that every nameSpace reports "Missing summary description" in the errors array in "https://wiki.gideros.rocks/gidapiref.json", however the nameSpaces actually contain descriptions on the wiki. Maybe the script isn't getting the correct variable there?

    Also of interest is that zlib (at least) is exported with empty function arrays for each of its methods.
  • hgy29hgy29 Maintainer
    I've fixed this in the JSON generation script. At the same time I fixed ~100 missing short descriptions, still ~150 issues to fix...

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  • Beautiful stuff, thanks @hgy29 :)
  • I'm trying to figure out how to add the special Gideros stuff like macros and operators to the Language Server but it's tough going.

    I notice on the wiki that every function name in the Application namespace are not lowercase, as they should be.
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