I'm adding adverts to my game (...it's the last (it seems loooooooong) step before general release).
I've selected plugins '1. Ads' and '10. Gaming' and filled them in as best as I understand. Now when I export, I get the following...

The apk still exports fine and the game works (so long as I don't actually enable the code that uses adverts), these red lines of text clearly aren't optimal. Any ideas as to what I should do?
For clarity, below are the 'Ads' and 'Gaming' plugin selection windows. I've shown where I've made alterations.

A = I ticked this box
B = Altered to 10.0.1 on advice found in forum
@SinisterSoftC = Application ID for my app (as found on Google Play Console), again pointed to from advice found on this forum.*
D = this is my app ID I got from Admob for my game.* Note the tilde separator, not forward slash.
E = this is my 'interstitial App unit ID' I got from Admob.*
* These numbers are not the real numbers used, but they are shown in the same format.
? Also, the reason I'm enabling Gaming Service Plugin is because I'm told it's needed when you use Admob. But should I be using Google Play Service Plugin as well or instead?
I can't see anything wrong so far, and you can disregard deprecated API as long as it compiles fine. What is the problem actually ?
The problem is that, even though I think I've entered the correct information into the plugin boxes, whenever I try to enable ads (using the following code), the exported game crashes immediately after the splash screen.
NB: I'm using Gideros 2017.4.1 on an iMac. And the first scene that sceneManager goes to is StartScene (below).
I hope you can help me.
Likes: Favfly
...near the bottom of that page.
Also, I'm not Admob expert. This is the first time I've attempted to use it.
Likes: Favfly
It's not crashing anymore. And although I don't see any adverts on screen, my 'adtext' variable is telling me I'm receiving them.
Is that what to expect when adverts have :enableTesting()?
Likes: antix, HubertRonald
Likes: Favfly
I have this particular interstitial set at Admob to "show no more than 1 impression per user per 1 minute" (for test purposes). But I get a deluge of them.
Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?
Likes: Favfly
NB: I still get red text, but the exported apk works just fine.