Hey everyone!
It's been a blast using Gideros after coming from Corona and I have finished my first release ready version of my game. now all I need are some testers who I can hopefully get some feedback from

The premises of my game is that you are an orb with a limited amount of energy that needs to collect other various orbs to get points and multipliers(This is the score system). However there are also enemies, green triangles, that fly through the screen and you must avoid. Luckily there are various powerups that give special abilities and extra points to help you on your way!
Its a relatively simple game but took me 2 months to make from scratch. I'm a senior in highschool after all and college application season is not an easy one

If anyone wants to help out you can respond to a TestFlight invite via this link:
http://tflig.ht/1aj1dH6Now for those of you still reading and want to help beta test my app here are some things that are worth checking!
- Within Store -> More Coins or Main Menu -> More Coins try the Facebook offer (if you don't mind!) and see if you get 1500 coins added to your in game balance for each page liked.
- For those with A4 Chip devices (iPhone 4, iTouch 4, iPad 1) please tell me how the performance is be default, and i fyou feel it is a little jittery, turn off "HD Graphics" (really just less particle effects) in the settings menu
- Check for music resume on application suspend/resume
- Does tutorial on first play behave properly? Also do you have any suggestions for the wording or explanations I should add to the tutorial?
- Please share any suggestions you have at all!!
Thanks ahead of time to everyone who helps out! I'll more than glad to return the favor!
@gorkem got your invite acceptance and just added you to provisioning profile!
also should i have to add all udid of devices which i wanted to test on via testflight or it will be managed by their system
Likes: hgvyas123
One thing I realized is that, game is too hard to play for me. I am not a pro but seeing game over screen several times in a couple of minutes might be disturbing.
One question: when does the game end exactly? I can swear I didnt touch those rectangles but died anyways. Is there something I am missing?
Again, really valuable input!
There is a small IO addition that may cause crashes if you do not uninstall the old version first!