I'm curious, is there any documentation or benchmarks relating the performance of the Gideros Player vs. an exported app? I'm really just trying to get a handle on what I should expect (on both iOS and Android players) when I start throwing more at them. Having this sort of information would then give me a better idea as to whether performance in the exported app would be better or the same (presumably it would never be worse) without continually exporting the app. Obviously it would only give a rough idea of performance issues, but every little helps

Is there any information available on this?
Likes: atilim
For iOS, there is not difference. In fact exported application can be _a little bit_ faster than iOS player because of the network connection between the player and the studio.
For Android, only the file operations can make the difference. Because android player reads the files from sdcard, on the other hand exported application reads the files from the inside of a single big .apk file. But graphics, sound, etc will work the same.