! guys!
after many hours of work finally i’m almost ready to release my new Library for Gideros SDK.
TNT Native Collision Engine a native (c++) plugin for collision detection.
Why you should be use this libs when Box2d do the same things ?
first i need to say one thing:
*** if you need more accurate collision detection with physics interaction then my lib is not for you. ***
i’ve made this libs for *simple* but *FAST* (really FAST) collision detection to use in my next project.
TNT Collision can now handle some kinds of collision like:
point->box, point->circle, point->oriented Box
circle->circle, circle->box, circle->oriented Box
box->box, oriented box->oriented Box
with any handle point.
i hope to release in next 2-3 days.
(as soon as i fix iOS compile problems)
stay tuned!
The difference you show is really amazing. Smooth as it should be.
Are you using sounds as well - a sound played when objects collide?
In normal Gideros, I get a stutter whenever a sound is played.
Are you using .mp3s for your sound effects?
This has been known to cause stuttering and the advice is to use .wav -
I haven't tested playing many sounds at once, would be interesting to see what the result would be in a case like this video. And I second the impressive performance increase displayed!
i'm almost ready to release my plugin (with demo sources)
so we can test ! for audio
Yes I was. I actually has a .wav file but for some reason, at that time, Gideros refused to upload it to the ios player so I changed it to mp3 and it uploaded with stutters. Today I changed it to a .wav again and now it uploaded fine and ran with NO STUTTER.
Thanks for reminding me.
Likes: ar2rsawseen, Mells
Congrats and thanks!
Possibly the new version fixed something in either Gideros or the iOS player, can't say which. Anyway .wav works fine now and no stutter.
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I'm going through the examples, and it looks like you've done an amazing job here!
I'm a little unclear as to how much heavy lifting your engine does though. It looks like you have a simple loop that goes through and tests each object on screen against every other object on screen for the box to box collisions, and yet it's running very smoothly. I assume your engine is able to discriminate between objects that are close together, and those that are not?
I'm curious, as I'm trying to decide on how to implement this into a project I'm working on.
@joelghill thanks for try my lib!
yes the engine evaluate only objects that are very close together and ignore the rest.
BTW on what device are you testing TNT Collision?
@aw2rawseen Maybe it would be good if something like this was in an official plugin?
yestarday i sent and email to atilim.
i need to "resetup" my pc for restart develop TNT engine 2.
last year i used qt Nokia (suggested by Atilim)
but now they are not avaibles anymore.
so my question is...
what is "suggested/best" setup for develop/compile plugins (arm/intel/desktop) now ?
As soon as i "resetup" my pc i release a new version on TNT Collision with x86 lins included.
i'm was "out" from gideros for a while... but now i need to recuperate lost time...
Likes: SinisterSoft
x86 to APP_ABI in file like this:
APP_ABI := armeabi armeabi-v7a x86
For desktop I used QT Creator, which seems to be quite awesome
Likes: SinisterSoft