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clipper — Gideros Forum


I tried to understand the clipper plugin and this is what I have got:
require "clipper"
local subject = Polygon.new()
subject:addPoint(0, 0)
subject:addPoint(16, 16)
subject:addPoint(16, 32)
subject:addPoint(0, 32)
subject:addPoint(-16, 16)
subject:addPoint(0, 0)
local clipper = Polygon.new()
clipper:addPoint(0, 0)
clipper:addPoint(32, 32)
clipper:addPoint(32, 64)
clipper:addPoint(0, 64)
clipper:addPoint(-32, 32)
clipper:addPoint(0, 0)
local myclipper = Clipper.new()
myclipper:addSubjectPolygon(subject, Polygon.FILL_EVEN_ODD, true)
myclipper:addClipPolygon(clipper, Polygon.FILL_EVEN_ODD, true)
local myc = myclipper:getDifference(subject, clipper)
local myi = myclipper:getIntersection(subject, clipper)
local x, y, w, h = myclipper:getBounds(subject, clipper)
print(x) -- ok
--local solution = Polygon.new() -- ???
--stage:addChild(myclipper) -- not ok
And I am stuck, I don't know how to retrieve the getDifference value and draw the solution polygon.
my growING GIDEROS github repositories: https://github.com/mokalux?tab=repositories


  • i've found a different lua binding:
    it seems it has a different api from the current gideros clipper.
    perhaps this could replace the current one in gideros?

    Likes: MoKaLux

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  • keszeghkeszegh Member
    edited September 2019 Accepted Answer
    for the current one this could help: https://github.com/gideros/giderosplugins/blob/master/Clipper/apireference.html

    i did not test it, but according to the docs i think something like this would be better:
    local myc = myclipper:getDifference(Polygon.FILL_EVEN_ODD, Polygon.FILL_EVEN_ODD)

    and then myc is still just an abstract polygon object, not a sprite, so first from reading its vertices (by using myc:getPoints() ) you need to build a sprite using path2d for example. and then that can be added to the stage.

    Likes: MoKaLux

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  • MoKaLuxMoKaLux Member
    edited September 2019
    @keszegh yes that looks very similar to what we have in gideros. I don't think I am going to need it soon but I was just curious about how to use it a simple example would be nice for the wiki.

    Thank you for your insights I am going to try what you suggested.
    my growING GIDEROS github repositories: https://github.com/mokalux?tab=repositories
  • keszegh said:

    for the current one this could help: https://github.com/gideros/giderosplugins/blob/master/Clipper/apireference.html
    and then myc is still just an abstract polygon object, not a sprite, so first from reading its vertices (by using myc:getPoints() ) you need to build a sprite using path2d for example. and then that can be added to the stage.

    (by using myc:getPoints() ) This function does not exist. I think the points are hold in the table:
    local myc = myclipper:getDifference(Polygon.FILL_EVEN_ODD, Polygon.FILL_EVEN_ODD)

    But I cannot retrieve anything from this table!
    my growING GIDEROS github repositories: https://github.com/mokalux?tab=repositories
  • well, that's a problem, according to the reference, it should.
    in zerobrane studio you can watch tables with all the subvalues and then it's easier to see what and how is stored in the myc object.
  • yes I have tried with this function (I don't use zerobrane).
    function tprint (tbl, indent)
      if not indent then indent = 0 end
      local toprint = string.rep(" ", indent) .. "{\r\n"
      indent = indent + 2 
      for k, v in pairs(tbl) do
        toprint = toprint .. string.rep(" ", indent)
        if (type(k) == "number") then
          toprint = toprint .. "[" .. k .. "] = "
        elseif (type(k) == "string") then
          toprint = toprint  .. k ..  "= "   
        if (type(v) == "number") then
          toprint = toprint .. v .. ",\r\n"
        elseif (type(v) == "string") then
          toprint = toprint .. "\"" .. v .. "\",\r\n"
        elseif (type(v) == "table") then
          toprint = toprint .. tprint(v, indent + 2) .. ",\r\n"
          toprint = toprint .. "\"" .. tostring(v) .. "\",\r\n"
      toprint = toprint .. string.rep(" ", indent-2) .. "}"
      return toprint
    But the result is something like that:

      [1] =     {
          __userdata= "userdata: 015DAB18",
    And that's chinese for me.
    my growING GIDEROS github repositories: https://github.com/mokalux?tab=repositories
  • MoKaLuxMoKaLux Member
    edited September 2019
    no worries though.

    My last attempt:
    require "clipper"
    local subject = Polygon.new(Polygon.FILL_EVEN_ODD)
    subject:addPoint(0, 0)
    subject:addPoint(16, 16)
    subject:addPoint(16, 32)
    subject:addPoint(0, 32)
    subject:addPoint(-16, 16)
    subject:addPoint(-32, 96)
    subject:addPoint(0, 0)
    local clipper = Polygon.new(Polygon.FILL_EVEN_ODD)
    clipper:addPoint(0, 0)
    clipper:addPoint(32, 32)
    clipper:addPoint(32, 64)
    clipper:addPoint(0, 64)
    clipper:addPoint(-32, 32)
    clipper:addPoint(-48, 64)
    clipper:addPoint(0, 0)
    local psubject = subject:getPoints()
    local pclipper = clipper:getPoints()
    local mypixel
    for k, v in ipairs(psubject) do
    	mypixel = Pixel.new(0xff0000, 0.25, 8, 8)
    	mypixel:setPosition(v[1] + 128, v[2] + 128)
    for k, v in ipairs(pclipper) do
    	mypixel = Pixel.new(0x000000, 0.25, 8, 8)
    	mypixel:setPosition(v[1] + 128, v[2] + 128)
    local myclipper = Clipper.new()
    myclipper:getDifference(Polygon.FILL_EVEN_ODD, Polygon.FILL_EVEN_ODD)
    local x, y, w, h = myclipper:getBounds(subject, clipper)
    mypixel = Pixel.new(0x0000ff, 0.1, w, h)
    mypixel:setPosition(x + 128, y + 128)
    local solution = Polygon.new()
    --stage:addChild(myclipper) -- not ok
    I feel I am almost there but the final solution polygon is missing!

    243 x 283 - 1K
    my growING GIDEROS github repositories: https://github.com/mokalux?tab=repositories
  • I found this example:

    Polygon clipping example
    local clipper = require 'clipper'
    local p1 = clipper.Path()
    local p2 = clipper.Path()
    local cl = clipper.Clipper()
    local out = cl:execute('difference')
    But I don't see the execute in the gideros clipper implementation! Almost there?!

    Likes: Apollo14

    my growING GIDEROS github repositories: https://github.com/mokalux?tab=repositories
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  • hgy29hgy29 Maintainer
    Accepted Answer
    @MoKaLux, reading the c++ code it looks like the result of getDifference/getIntersection and others is a list of Polygon objects, so you should iterate over your ‘myc’ and call getPoints() for each entry.

    Likes: keszegh, MoKaLux

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  • keszeghkeszegh Member
    edited September 2019 Accepted Answer
    so following @hgy29 's remark the following code gives me (in zbs) the following result:
    require "clipper"
    local subject = Polygon.new()
    subject:addPoint(0, 0)
    subject:addPoint(16, 16)
    subject:addPoint(16, 32)
    subject:addPoint(0, 32)
    subject:addPoint(-16, 16)
    --subject:addPoint(0, 0)
    local clipper = Polygon.new()
    clipper:addPoint(0, 0)
    clipper:addPoint(32, 32)
    clipper:addPoint(32, 64)
    clipper:addPoint(0, 64)
    clipper:addPoint(-32, 32)
    --clipper:addPoint(0, 0)
    local myclipper = Clipper.new()
    local myc = myclipper:getUnion(Polygon.FILL_EVEN_ODD, Polygon.FILL_EVEN_ODD)
    --iterate over all polygons in the union:
    for key,value in pairs(myc) do 	 
    {{0, 0}, {32, 32}, {32, 64}, {0, 64}, {-32, 32}}
    that is, indeed myc consists of tables storing polygons, which can be read using getPoints.

    note that i used getUnion in my example to make sure that the result is not empty!

    Likes: MoKaLux

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  • keszeghkeszegh Member
    Accepted Answer
    also i think in your example the last "subject:addPoint(0, 0)" for each polygon is probably not necessary as it anyway closes the polygon.
    and if you want difference then better exchange clipper and subject as otherwise you get an empty difference (as the bigger contains the smaller one). that's why i used union in my example to avoid this.

    Likes: MoKaLux

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  • keszeghkeszegh Member
    edited September 2019 Accepted Answer
    e.g. when you exchange clipper and subject and generate difference:
    local myc = myclipper:getDifference(Polygon.FILL_EVEN_ODD, Polygon.FILL_EVEN_ODD)
    you correctly get:
    {{0, 32}, {16, 32}, {16, 16}, {32, 32}, {32, 64}, {0, 64}, {-32, 32}, {-16, 16}}

    Likes: MoKaLux

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  • thank you guys, I am going to follow your example, make some nice code and add it to the wiki. I was so curious about this clipper thing. You are the best! Viva gideros.

    Likes: keszegh

    my growING GIDEROS github repositories: https://github.com/mokalux?tab=repositories
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  • ok I had it working but what a mess!
    require "clipper"
    function createPolygon(xpoints, xcolor)
    	local myshape = Shape.new()
    	myshape:setFillStyle(Shape.SOLID, xcolor or 0xff0000, 1)
    	myshape:moveTo(xpoints:getPoints()[1][1], xpoints:getPoints()[1][2])
    	for p = 2, #xpoints:getPoints() do
    		myshape:lineTo(xpoints:getPoints()[p][1], xpoints:getPoints()[p][2])
    	myshape:setPosition(128, 128)
    local subject = Polygon.new()
    subject:addPoint(-32, -32)
    subject:addPoint(32, -32)
    subject:addPoint(32, 32)
    subject:addPoint(-32, 32)
    local clip = Polygon.new()
    clip:addPoint(-16, -16)
    clip:addPoint(0, 0)
    clip:addPoint(16, -16)
    clip:addPoint(16, 16)
    clip:addPoint(-16, 16)
    createPolygon(clip, 0x00ff00)
    function createShape(xtable)
    	local myshape = Shape.new()
    	myshape:setFillStyle(Shape.SOLID, 0x0000ff, 1)
    	myshape:moveTo(xtable.x[1], xtable.y[1])
    	for c = 2, #xtable.x do
    		myshape:lineTo(xtable.x[c], xtable.y[c])
    	myshape:setPosition(128, 128)
    local myclipper = Clipper.new()
    local mysolution = {}
    mysolution.x = {}
    mysolution.y = {}
    --local myc = myclipper:getUnion(Polygon.FILL_EVEN_ODD, Polygon.FILL_EVEN_ODD)
    --local myc = myclipper:getDifference(Polygon.FILL_EVEN_ODD, Polygon.FILL_EVEN_ODD)
    --local myc = myclipper:getIntersection(Polygon.FILL_EVEN_ODD, Polygon.FILL_EVEN_ODD)
    --local myc = myclipper:getIntersection(Polygon.FILL_NON_ZERO, Polygon.FILL_NON_ZERO)
    local myc = myclipper:getIntersection(Polygon.FILL_POSITIVE, Polygon.FILL_POSITIVE)
    --local myc = myclipper:getIntersection(Polygon.FILL_NEGATIVE, Polygon.FILL_NEGATIVE)
    --local myc = myclipper:getIntersection(Polygon.FILL_POSITIVE, Polygon.FILL_NEGATIVE)
    --local myc = myclipper:getExclusion(Polygon.FILL_EVEN_ODD, Polygon.FILL_EVEN_ODD)
    for k, v in ipairs(myc) do
    	for k1, v1 in ipairs(v:getPoints()) do
    		for i = 1, #v1 do
    			if i % 2 == 1 then -- x position
    				mysolution.x[#mysolution.x + 1] = v1[i]
    			else -- y position
    				mysolution.y[#mysolution.y + 1] = v1[i]

    You can copy paste the code and it should work (you need to add the clipper plugin).
    You can uncomment the local myc lines to see different effects.

    But what a mess. I saw somewhere in this forum a clipping example that was quite good. I don't see the point of this clipper plugin and I won't add it to the wiki. I suggest to remove it completely from gideros! We could gain back a few kb :*

    Next 3D in gideros o:)
    my growING GIDEROS github repositories: https://github.com/mokalux?tab=repositories
  • some clipper image: the blue part is the clipper result. It does not work well with every type of clipping though.
    180 x 182 - 955B
    my growING GIDEROS github repositories: https://github.com/mokalux?tab=repositories
  • there are clipping situations for which you need this plugin. e.g. to compute the exact shadows of multiple light sources with obstacles, which was my original motivation when i asked @ar2rsawseen to add this plugin. at the end i did not pursue this project at the time.
  • MoKaLuxMoKaLux Member
    edited September 2019
    oh so you are the one :) Will anybody ever use it? that is the question. I still think we should remove it completely from gideros because people will want to know how this work and try to use it.
    my growING GIDEROS github repositories: https://github.com/mokalux?tab=repositories
  • let it be :smile:

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  • @MoKaLux , this is useful stuff just it maybe should have a name different from clipping to avoid confusement, in 3d software they call it boolean operations.

    Likes: oleg

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  • keszegh said:

    @MoKaLux , this is useful stuff just it maybe should have a name different from clipping to avoid confusement, in 3d software they call it boolean operations.

    In the illustrator this is also called boolean operations ..
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